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Casino Link Building: The Right Way to Do It in 2024

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The gambling industry is expected to reach USD 136.30 billion by 2029. To grow your market share in this highly competitive industry, it is crucial to increase your casino or gambling website’s visibility online.

That’s where casino link building comes into play. It helps you build high-quality backlinks to your online betting, gambling, or casino website. This ensures the links drive referral traffic and boost your search rankings.

However, building backlinks for casino and gambling websites is not a walk in the park. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you get started.

Let’s dive into building links for casino websites.

What is Casino Link Building?


Casino link building refers to acquiring backlinks for casino and online gambling websites from other websites. This involves using various link building tactics like guest posting, social media link building, and content marketing.

It is similar to link building for any other website, just a bit more tricky. Find out why, in the next section.

Why is It Difficult to Build Backlinks for Casino and Gambling Websites?


Building links for casino websites is more challenging than regular link building. Regulatory hassles and negative perceptions of such websites are the two key factors that make it tricky.

Online gambling regulatory laws vary from country to country, making it difficult to promote casino websites through traditional marketing channels. This makes it difficult to build backlinks as many websites simply ban links to and from gambling websites.

The bad reputation or stigma attached to gambling or any form of betting websites (such as addiction and financial problems) makes webmasters hesitant to link to them. 

Budget constraints due to intense competition also pose a challenge — major casino brands invest significantly in link building activities.

However, certain types of websites still let you build casino links, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

What Kind of Websites Give Backlinks to Casino Websites?


Here are the types of websites that let you build links for your casino websites:

  • Casino and gambling websites: Connect with other websites in the casino and gambling niche that cover topics, varying from game strategy to industry news and site reviews. Example ⇒ CasinoHEX, Casino News Daily
  • Gaming websites: These include websites that publish content related to esports or gaming. You can guest post on such websites or pitch them to link to informative content on your website. Example ⇒ BGaming (Links to many casino/betting websites – as shown below)Example links


  • Hobbies and leisure websites: Websites that cater to people’s hobbies and leisure activities often include sections on gaming. They can offer casino links.
  • Industry and news websites: Websites that cover online gaming and casino news. Example ⇒ Artdaily
  • Sports betting bloggers and influencers: Partner with bloggers and influencers in your niche to promote your casino website and acquire brand mentions and backlinks. Example ⇒ CAF Online, Complete Sports
  • Technology and software review sites: If you have an online betting or gaming website, you can pitch tech websites to write reviews. Example ⇒ BlackHatWorld, CasinoHEXCasino link building categories


  • Finance and cryptocurrency websites: Many gaming websites deal in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. If yours does, you can get a link from finance and cryptocurrency websites. Example ⇒ Crypto Finance JobsFinance and cryptocurrency links

How to Build Backlinks for Your Casino Website


Casino link building is tricky. However, doing it right reaps multiple results, such as improving search rankings, boosting organic and referral traffic, reaching new audiences, and converting website visitors into paying customers.

Let us show you some effective strategies to build high-quality casino links for your website.

1. Create high-quality informative content


You can organically build backlinks to your casino website by creating informative, relevant, and high-quality content related to your niche.

This could be gaming tips or explanations of various casino games and their strategies. You can also cover industry trends, news, and upcoming events.

When you publish the latest, most in-depth content on trending topics within your niche, your casino website will naturally attract backlinks.

Quality content strategy
To earn a steady stream of backlinks, create comprehensive, evergreen content that will remain relevant for a long time. For example, a detailed guide listing the best strategies for winning a game will always be relevant to gamers.

This detailed article on how to find safe online casinos is another great example of evergreen, useful content.

Evergreen content strategy                                                                         Source

The proof lies in numbers. As per Semrush analysis, the article gets 56K monthly visits and has 2.3K backlinks from 79 referring domains. That’s the power of evergreen content.

Evergreen content performance                                                                                     Source

2. Guest post on relevant websites


Guest blogging is one of the most popular link building strategies. It also helps with casino link building. The process remains the same as for any website.

  • Find authoritative and relevant websites in your casino, gaming, or entertainment niches.
  • Evaluate the type of content posted on these websites.
  • Reach out to the most relevant ones with a great topic idea and pitch.
  • Get your guest articles published with backlinks to your website.

Here it’s important to write content on trending industry topics that will engage the target website’s audience and nudge them to click on links to visit your website.

You can also give an offer or opportunity that the publishing site’s audience might be interested. For example, an online betting site offers an affiliate marketing opportunity in their guest blog on an online newspaper site.

Casino guest blogging                                                                                           Source

3. Build link partnerships with gaming and entertainment niche websites


Creating a network of partners willing to add your casino links is your best bet for building links for your online gaming or casino websites.

However, this is not the same as link farms or link buying. You need to reach out to the editors of relevant websites within your niche and make a pitch.

Over the years, you will find some steady link partners happy to link to good content on your website while you link to theirs. However, this isn’t necessarily a one-for-one link exchange.

Entertainment and gaming websites are perfect for this. Find websites that cater to an audience similar to yours and form mutually beneficial link partnerships. Ensure diversity in the type of websites while prioritizing sites with high domain ratings (DR), and traffic.

Casino link partnerships

4. Get links from resource pages


If you’re looking for quick casino link building tactics, this one is for you.

You can quickly get casino links from resource pages related to the gambling and casino niche. This could be lists of casinos, best online betting sites, or any other type of resource.

Resource page backlinks                                                                                Source

Reach out to the website editor and get your website or resource listed in existing articles. It’s best to write and provide your site’s description based on the format of the target article to make it convenient for editors to add your website or landing page.

Ensure you provide enough context about your website and highlight why they should list it on their resource page.

5. Use social media and forums to build casino links


Social media and online gaming communities and forums are great for connecting with your target audience and building links to your casino website.

Most gamers like to form game-specific online communities to discuss tactics, gameplay, and more. Discord, for example, is a preferred app that many gamers use to have game-related discussions. Quora and Reddit also have gaming communities.

Here’s an example of an online community for Poker lovers on Reddit:

Example of Poker Community on Reddit                                                                                  Source

How can you use these forums and communities for casino link building?

Become a part of the community and enter into discussions. Answer relevant questions and add links to relevant resources on your website, whenever the opportunity arises.

One word of caution though: Ensure you adhere to the platform’s guidelines and don’t share spammy or promotional links. Instead, build an identity as someone with knowledge of the casino or gambling industry and offer resources that help other members.

Similarly, you can also use social media to promote your casino website and share links. Choose platforms where your target audience is most active and share valuable content to build a loyal following.

Once you have that, any links you share via social media will get decent engagement and clicks.

Ready to Build Links to Your Casino Website the Right Way?


While casino link building is difficult, you can build links by targeting the right websites and using other methods (listed above).

Still, if you don’t want the hassle and want to outsource link building for your casino website to professionals, we are here for you!

We specialize in link building and do it day in and day out. We only deliver contextually relevant links that drive real value – targeted traffic and conversions. Book a call today!

Renu Sharma

Renu Sharma

Renu Sharma has been in the content marketing and link building business for a solid decade. She has worked with industry giants, renowned agencies, and influencers, making her a true authority in the field.

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